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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tips on how to get a glamorous party look

Here are some tips for a party look that I hope will give you some inspiration to try something new and fresh!

Silver and gold

For a true party make-up, after applying eyeshadow - use an eyeshadow stick, silver or gold colored, in the inner corner of the eye. It opens up and highlights your eye in a way that will make you look truly glamorous!

Glittering nails

Ever tried double layers of nail polish? This will look best if you start with a distinct color as a base, for example dark red, dark blue or purple. When the base layer is dry, add a more transparent, brighter color with glitter flakes on top of the first layer. It will look really cool and it will also strengthen the base polish and make it last longer. A perfect way to make your nails stand out and catch other people's eyes even if they're not very long!

Shimmering eyes

Instead of using an eyeliner, take a dark, glittering eyeshadow (midnight blue for example) and draw a thin line with a thin eyeliner brush just above the upper eyelashes. The line should be a little thicker than the usual eyeliner stroke, but not much. It will give your eyes that special party lustre!


Most women know how to apply shadows to the face but very few think about highlights. Something that can be just as important. So get yourself a good highlighter! It can really make wonders and still look very natural. Apply a very small amount on your cheekbones, between your eyes and on the sides of your nosebone. That way your cheekbones will look higher and your eyes will look as if they're wider apart. You can also use some highlighter right above the lipliner on your upper lip. It will make your upper lip look fuller and more accentuated. Don't use too much. You don't want your face to shine.

I hope these tips on a great party look will come in handy. Have fun at the party


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