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Friday, November 25, 2011

Holidays Hard On Love?

Did you realize that the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the time spouses and family members are most ignored? Why? We get so busy doing things for our families that we don’t take the time to spend with them. So take a few moments and express your devotion to each other.

Are you mutually devoted? Then declare it! There is nothing quite as wonderful as being in a mutual admiration society with your spouse! Just knowing that you chose the other above all others will help you weather the holidays.

Think about how good it feels when your spouse lets you know he or she wants to be with you. Maybe through a twinkle in the eye, a gentle caress or a loving compliment, your mate let’s you know he or she is mutually devoted to you.

It feels so good to be affirmed, but don’t assume your mate knows you love him or her, declare it. Here are some ways to demonstrate your devotion to your partner:
  • Present your mate with a long stem rose.
  • Take a picture of the two of you. (You could frame it for a Christmas present to your spouse.)
  • Write a love note on the steamed bathroom mirror. 
  • Send your mate an email or text declaring your devotion. 
  • Invite your mate out on a date that you totally plan. Keep the location a surprise.
Take our tips and don’t just assume your mate knows you admire him or her. Form your own mutual admiration society today! It’ll help you stay “mutually devoted” and will add to your holiday joy.

I wish u all my viewers a fabulous week end. Enjoy it with ur lovely one.

Much Love.

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