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Monday, October 10, 2011


Their daughter recently turned 16 years old. It was not only a big change for her, but for her parents as well. She resented being treated like a 10 year old girl. She was trying to become a woman and it was often frustrating. Her parents were having difficulty with the changing relationship. She wanted more freedom. They were having trouble letting go. The old ways of parental discipline just didn't seem to work any more. For the first time in her life, she seemed to be rebellious and unwilling to cooperate. The frustration with her parents was causing more tension and conflict.

THE TEEN YEARS ARE A TIME OF MAJOR TRANSITION. Teenagers are becoming adults. This is a major transition time in life. Parents who understand can help their teenagers make the transition with loving support and affirmation. It can be a sad time for parents, because the parent-child relationship is changing.

FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY ARE KEY ISSUES IN THE TEEN YEARS. Teenagers want more freedom. They resent being treated as little children. Parents can help them increase the level of freedom by giving them more responsibility. Freedom without responsibility can become disastrous.

THE PARENTS ATTITUDE TOWARD TEENAGERS IS IMPORTANT. They want to be trusted. They need encouragement. Listening to them is so helpful. They have strong feelings that need to be expressed. Don't make your children angry by the way you treat them.

THE FOCUS OF THE TEEN YEARS IS A MAJOR CHANGE OF DIRECTION. They seek peer approval more than ever. This is a developmental task in their social skills. Also, it can be a dangerous time. Bad company corrupts good character,.Teenagers need friends who share their values.

TEENAGERS NEED AFFIRMATION AND LOVING UNDERSTANDING. Parents play a vital role in the formation stage of their teens. Their loving care and affirmation are needed now as always. The unconditional love of parents is a safe place and source of strength for teenagers. Parents affirm them as they grow to become adults. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. Loving parents support them in this development of their lives.


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